

The impact of strict and forced confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic on positive functioning variables, emotional distress, and posttraumatic growth in a Spanish sample

Marta MiragallMarta MiragallM. Dolores VaraM. Dolores VaraRosa M. BañosRosa M. BañosLaura GalianaRocío HerreroRocío Herrero


Coping (psychology)禁闭crecimiento postraumáticomedia_common.quotation_subjectRC435-571posttraumatic growthAffect (psychology)emotional distressGratitudemedicinePandemia COVID-19media_commonPsychiatryClinical Research Articlepositive functioning variablesvariables de funcionamiento positivoPosttraumatic growthcovid-19 pandemic正性功能变量Life satisfactionMental healthconfinamientoCOVID-19疫情confinementAnxiety情绪困扰创伤后成长Psychological resiliencemedicine.symptommalestar emocionalPsychologyClinical psychologyResearch Article


ABSTRACT Background: The adverse consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health have been widely studied in recent months. However, few studies have examined the protective psychological factors that may explain how individuals are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and its forced confinements. Objective: This study analyzes the impact of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic on positive functioning variables (resilience, meaning of life, gratitude, compassion, life satisfaction), emotional distress (depression, anxiety, perceived stress, affect), and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The impact was measured during and after the first month of strict and obligatory confinement in Spain. Methods: The sample was composed of 438 Spanish residents (78.3% women) between the ages of 18 and 68 (M = 35.68; SD = 13.19) during the first stage (first two weeks) of confinement. The sample was reduced to 197 participants during the second stage (fifth week) of confinement. Several online self-reported questionnaires were administered to assess positive functioning variables, emotional distress, and PTG. Results: Women, youths, individuals without a partner, with lower monetary incomes, or diagnosed with a mental disorder or chronic illness experienced lower scores in positive functioning variables and greater emotional distress during the first stage of confinement. Linear mixed models showed that scores on positive functioning variables, emotional distress, and PTG worsened in the second stage of confinement. Nevertheless, a structural equations model showed that increases in positive functioning variables in the second stage were associated with increases in life satisfaction (R2 = .450) and related to decreases in emotional distress (R2 = .186), leading in turn to increases in PTG (R2 = .061). Conclusions: Individuals could experience PTG during strict and mandatory confinement. The increase in PTG during this adverse event was indirectly associated with increases in positive functioning variables (i.e. gratitude, presence of meaning, resilience), through improvements in life satisfaction and emotional distress.
