

L'enseignement des langues vivantes à l'école élémentaire : éléments d'évaluation des effets au collège

Sophie Genelot


Acquisition scolaireCollègeRéussite des élèvesArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Enseignement élémentaireÉvaluation[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationEnseignement secondaireFranceÉcole élémentaireEnseignement des languesEffet pédagogiqueEducation


This evaluation is based on a longitudinal survey carried out over two years concerning 1 500 pupils who started secondary school. Some of them were initiated in English in the last two grades of Primary school (experimentation launched by the Ministry of Education), the other pupils had started learning English at Secondary School. Two kinds of results were obtained : first, we described a certain number of factors that influence pupils' acquisitions in English ; second, we tried to show the extent to which the outcome of early initiation explains the differences between pupils during the secondary school. It appears finally that the impact of English initiation at the Primary school seems to be very limited.
