

L’architettura del polo universitario di via Archirafi

Daniele Enea


Settore ICAR/10 - Architettura TecnicaEdilizia universitaria Archirafi Ufficio tecnico Regia Università Palermo


The architecture of the university site of via Archirafi was conceived in the first twenty years of the 20th century by the technical office of the Regia Università di Palermo, chaired by Ernesto Basile, leader of a group of young engineers from the "Scuola d'Applicazione per gli Ingegneri". The style of the buildings was influenced by the architectural climate of Palermo at the beginning of the century, dominated by the schools of Damiani Almeyda and Ernesto Basile, heralds of different instances, the classical one and the modernist one. This contribution will analyse the historical events, the construction typologies and the technological solutions of such buildings, emphasizing their analogies and differences.
