

The critical environmental situation of the Black Sea region

Valentín Bou Franch


Dret internacionalMedi ambient Degradació


From time to time, Black Sea States have expressed their concern about the state of the marine environment in the Black Sea region and their political wish to protect and rehabilitate it. But these occasional expressions of good faith on the need to protect the marine and coastal environment of the Black Sea region have scarcely been concretised with the adoption of legal measures at the international, regional and national levels. Therefore, it seems that although Black Sea States acknowledge the need and urgency of protecting the marine environment in this particular region, the environmental concern is not one of its main political objectives. It is true that during the last few years many of the Black Sea States have passed general environmental protection acts and that some improvements have been already made. But in general, the situation of the environmental protection of the Black Sea region from a legal perspective cannot be considered satisfactory
