

Une vigne gallo-romaine de plaine à Gevrey-Chambertin (Côte-d'Or), Ier-IIe s. ap. J.-C.. Implications pour le développement des terroirs viticoles de coteaux en Bourgogne

Jean-pierre Garcia Nicole Fick Sébastien Chevrier


vignoble[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryRoman Antiquity[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryterroirprovignageBourgogne-Franche-ComtévineyardGevrey-ChambertinAntiquitéDépartement de la Côte-d'Or[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryAntiquité romaineBourgogneVigne[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryBurgundyprovining


Recent excavations at Au-dessus de Bergis in Gevrey-Chambertin (Côte-d’Or, Burgundy) brought to light numerous, rectangular aligned pits interpreted as an ancient vineyard dated from the end of the 1st/mid-2nd century to the 3rd century AD. The vineyard is largely extent in area and was bounded to the south by a hedge or fence. It was composed of parallel rows that may have been trained over and along high, inclined wooden frames. Vine stocks were renewed by layering, over several generations of plants, according to some agricultural wine-growing techniques recommended by Latin agronomists. This vineyard attests to the establishment of vineyards from the mid-1st century AD in places different from those of present day vineyards before it disappeared by the end or after the 3rd century. The change in vine growing places from the rather humid plain to hillslopes took place within the climatic, economic, social and cultural changes from late Antiquity and high Middle Ages.
