

Measurement of the KL→e+e−e+e− decay rate

M. WittgenRainer WankeJ. CoganT. ÇUhadarJ. C. CholletU. KochM. MarkytanM. LentiI.g. KnowlesA. WinhartG. TatishviliMauro PicciniS. GiudiciR. FantechiS. WronkaI. Wingerter-seezMilene CalvettiNicolo CartigliaR.s. DosanjhMichael Andrew ParkerG.m. PierazziniG. GoviN. A. MolokanovaA. KalterM. EppardH. D. WahlP. LubranoAdrian John BevanT.o. WhiteW. KubischtaB. HayG. UnalVladimir KekelidzeK. EppardH. DibonI. MannelliS.a. SchmidtE. RondioB. PeyaudV. SchönhartingRoberta ArcidiaconoE. ImbergamoG. GrazianiP. F. DalpiazFabrizio PetrucciNadia PastroneR. CasaliH. TauregR. TurlayD. MarrasAugusto CeccucciP.l. FrabettiB. VallageM. ContalbrigoI. Melzer-pellmannAlexi MestvirishviliJ. OcarizT.j. GershonM. SozziBenedetto GoriniC. CheshkovA. I. ZinchenkoLouis FayardJ.b. ChezeF. MarchettoB. RenkV. FalaleevManfred JeitlerH.g. BeckerAlan W. WalkerA. GianoliSandro PalestiniE. IacopiniA. MaierP. HristovJ. DuclosG. AnzivinoM. CirilliNiels DobleAndrea BizzetiCristina BiinoIvan MikulecA. PetersKonrad KleinknechtLuca FioriniR. Granier De CassagnacG. NeuhoferP. GrafströmG. BocquetYu. PotrebenikovMichael ZiolkowskiG.d. BarrD.c. CundyG. LamannaD. MadigojineM. HolderC. CerriL. WidhalmM. PernickaL. KöpkeVictoria Jane MartinY. SchuéA. LaiAndrea FormicaMayda VelascoP. DebuE. OlaiyaLau GatignonF. CostantiniG. RuggieroA. NappiE. MazzucatoS. A. WottonR. SaccoMichal SzleperWojciech WislickiA. GonidecCristina LazzeroniM. SavrieP. CenciG. CollazuolG. FischerE. MenichettiAnton TaurokG.e. KalmusM. De BeerM. MartiniM. PepeG. D'agostiniM.d. NeedhamA. NortonD.j. MundayJ. NassalskiH. FoxP. Lopes Da SilvaLydia Iconomidou-fayardP. MarouelliA. LacourtB. Panzer-steindel


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsMesonBranching fractionAnalytical chemistryAtomic physicsPositron annihilation


Abstract The decay rate of the long-lived neutral K meson into the e + e − e + e − final state has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1998 and 1999, a total of 200 events has been observed with negligible background. This observation corresponds to a branching ratio of Br ( K L → e + e − e + e − ) = ( 3.30 ± 0.24 stat ± 0.23 syst ± 0.10 norm ) × 10 −8 .
