

Additional file 1: of Sex-specific genetic effects associated with pigmentation, sensitivity to sunlight, and melanoma in a population of Spanish origin

Barbara HernandoMaider Ibarrola-villavaLara FernandezMaria Peña-chiletMarta Llorca-cardeñosaSara OltraSantos AlonsoMaria BoyanoConrado Martinez-cadenasGloria Ribas



This contains Tables S1–S3 and Figures S1–S2. Table S1. List of 363 successfully genotyped SNPs, Minor allele frequencies for all samples, males and females, and HWE P value. Table S2. List of SNPs associated with pigmentation traits in females and males. Table S3. List of SNPs associated with sun response traits in females and males. Figure S1. Comparison of minor allele frequencies, female versus male individuals. Figure S2. A selection of genetic factors affecting pigmentation and sun sensitivity in humans. (PDF 417 kb)
