

Analyzing the Boer-Mulders function within different quark models

Sergio ScopettaVicente VentoAurore Courtoy


PhysicsQuarkNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsNuclear Theory010308 nuclear & particles physicsQuark modelFOS: Physical sciencesFísicaDrell–Yan processConstituent quarkParton01 natural sciencesNuclear Theory (nucl-th)High Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)Distribution function0103 physical sciencesSum rule in quantum mechanicsStatistical physicsImpact parameter010306 general physics


A general formalism for the evaluation of time reversal odd parton distributions is applied here to calculate the Boer-Mulders function. The same formalism when applied to evaluate the Sivers function led to results which fulfill the Burkardt sum rule quite well. The calculation here has been performed for two different models of proton structure: a constituent quark model and the MIT bag model. In the latter case, important differences are found with respect to a previous evaluation in the same framework, a feature already encountered in the calculation of the Sivers function. The results obtained are consistent with the present wisdom, i.e., the contributions for the $u$ and $d$ flavors turn out to have the same sign, following the pattern suggested analyzing the model independent features of the impact parameter dependent generalized parton distributions. It is therefore confirmed that the present approach is suitable for the analysis of time reversal odd distribution functions. A critical comparison between the outcomes of the two models, as well as between the results of the calculations for the Sivers and Boer-Mulders functions, is also carried out.
