

The conservation of the endemic Crop Wild Relatives in the RIBES seed-banks: towards a national priority list for the Italian CWRs

S. MagriniP. AtzeriG. BacchettaG. BediniV. CarassoA. CartaR. CerianiS. CiancaleoniL. Di MartinoM. Di SantoG. FabriniL. ForteL. GrataniV. NegriM. PorcedduC. SalmeriR. SariguA. ScialabbaF. TaffetaniM. VillaniE. ZappaM. Mariotti


Settore BIO/01 - Botanica GeneraleCWRRIBES seed-banksSettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaCrop Wild Relatives CWR Seed Banks endemic plants conservationconservationRIBES seed-banks; crop wild relatives; Italian CWRs listedSeed Banksendemic plantsItalian CWRs listedCrop Wild RelativesBanche del germoplasma Crop Wild Relatives Endemic Ribes


Data of 620 crop wild relatives of species of food and fodder interest listed in the Annex I of the FAO Treaty (FAO, 2001) were collected within the census carried out by ISPRA, the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, in 2014-2015 in order to quantify the extent of CWR representation in the Italian ex situ collections. According to such census, the RIBES network preserve 37% of the Italian CWRs listed in the FAO Treaty: in 14 out of 16 seed-banks are preserved 6,029 accessions of 229 CWR taxa, belonging to 11 families and 57 genera.
