

An Automatic Differentiation Based Approach to the Level Set Method

Jukka I. Toivanen


Partial differential equationLevel set methodAugmented Lagrangian methodAutomatic differentiationComputer scienceTopology optimizationPartial derivativeApplied mathematicsSensitivity (control systems)Parametric statistics


This paper discusses an implementation of the parametric level set method. Adjoint approach is used to perform the sensitivity analysis, but contrary to standard implementations, the state problem is differentiated in its discretized form. The required partial derivatives are computed using tools of automatic differentiation, which avoids the need to derive the adjoint problem from the governing partial differential equation. The augmented Lagrangian approach is used to enforce volume constraints, and a gradient based optimization method is used to solve the subproblems. Applicability of the method is demonstrated by repeating well known compliance minimization studies of a cantilever beam and a Michell type structure. The obtained topologies are in good agreement with reference results.
