

Association Between Implementation of the Athlete Biological Passport and Female Elite Runners’ Performance

Sergei IljukovArja UusitaloJuha PeltonenYorck Olaf SchumacherJukka-pekka Kauppi


BLOODPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationMaailman antidopingtoimistodopingantidoping01 natural sciences03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineBlood dopingurheiluRetrospective analysisMedicineOrthopedics and Sports Medicine315 Sport and fitness sciencesbiologybusiness.industryAthletesWorld Anti-Doping Agency010401 analytical chemistryINFUSIONveri1184 Genetics developmental biology physiologyblood doping030229 sport sciencesbiology.organism_classificationhuippu-urheilu0104 chemical sciencesdoping in sportsbusinessDemography


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performances of female middle- and long-distance runners before and after the implementation of a new antidoping strategy (the Athlete Biological Passport [ABP]) in a country accused of systematic doping. A retrospective analysis of the results of Russian National Championships from 2008 to 2017 was performed. The 8 best female performances for the 800-m, 1500-m, 3000-m steeplechase, 5000-m, and 10,000-m events from the semifinals and finals were analyzed. The yearly number of athletes fulfilling standard qualifications for international competitions was also evaluated. Overall, numbers of athletes banned for doping in 2008–2017 were calculated. As a result, 4 events (800, 1500, 5000 [all P < .001], and 10,000 m [P < .01]) out of 5 showed statistically significant deterioration in the performances when comparing before and after the introduction of the ABP. The 3000-m steeplechase was the only event that did not show statistically significant change. The highest relative decrease in the number of runners who met standard qualification for international competition was for the 5000-m event (46%), followed by 1500-m (42%), 800-m (38%), 10,000-m (17%), and 3000-m steeplechase (1%). In conclusion, implementation of the ABP was followed by a significant reduction in the performance of female runners in a country accused of systematic doping. It can be reasonably speculated that more stringent antidoping testing, more specifically the introduction of the ABP, is a key reason for this reduction.
