

Neuromuscular function during knee exercises in water : with special reference to hydrodynamics and therapy

Tapani Pöyhönen


body regionssuorituskykyvesiliikuntahermo-lihastoimintapolvetkuntoliikuntaharjoittelulihaksetmusculoskeletal systemterveysliikunta


The present series of studies examined neuromuscular function during knee exercise in water and training responses of an aquatic exercise program. Emphasis was placed on the quantification of water resistance, the drag. Subjects who participated in this series of studies were 25-35-year-old healthy women and men. Neuromuscular function was examined using electromyography (EMG), force and reflex sensitivity measurements in the isometric condition on land and in water. EMG and angular velocity were measured during dynamic knee extension-flexion in still and flowing water. The drag forces acting on the leg and foot model were measured in the barefoot condition and with a large resistance boot.
