

La difficile taxinomie des situations intermédiaires sur le marché du travail : une illustration à partir du processus d'insertion des docteurs

Philippe Moguérou


Modélisation[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationAccès à l'emploiInsertion professionnelle[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceDocteur de troisième cycle[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceEnseignement supérieurFilière sciences


Actes des 8èmes journées d'études Céreq/Lasmas-Institut du Longitudinal, L'analyse longitudinale du marché du travail, Marseille, 17 et 18 mai 2001; International audience; This paper attempts to analyse the recent labour market prospects for scientific PhD graduates in France. Firstly, we propose an assessment of the labour market situation of PhD graduates three years after the completion of their theses, using a standard categorical analysis of labour market activities. Secondly, we use unemployment durations to study the difficulties PhD graduates encounter when they enter the labour market.
