Autoradiographic technique to assess distribution of blood flow within organs
H. FlohrH. FlohrA. HoppeA. Hoppesubject
PhysiologyClinical BiochemistryKidneyRadioactive microspheresMicrosphereDogsPhysiology (medical)MethodsmedicineAnimalsDistribution (pharmacology)Serum Albumin Radio-IodinatedRenal circulationIsotopeChemistryBrainBlood flowHuman physiologyAnatomyCoronary Vesselsmedicine.anatomical_structureRegional Blood FlowVentricleCatsAutoradiographyRabbitsdescription
A method is described for assessing the distribution of blood flow within organs. Microspheres, 5–50 μ in diameter, labelled with a beta-emitting isotope were injected into the left ventricle of experimental animals. The distribution of the indicator within the tissues, which is assumed to represent the regional distribution of flow, was visualized and measured quantitatively by autoradiography. Local flow rates in areas of about 1,2 mm in diameter could be determined. Application of the technique for the study of regional myocardial and renal circulation is demonstrated.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1969-06-24 | Pfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology |