

Using Sport and Wellness Technology to Promote Physical Activity: An Intervention Study among Teenagers

Will CritchleyEeva KettunenTuomas KariMarkus Makkonen


GerontologySelf-efficacyteini-ikäisetdigitaalinen valmennushyvinvointiPhysical activityphysical activityterveysteknologiaIntervention studiesomatoimisuusmobiililaitteetdigital mobile servicesmobiilipalvelutdecision analyticssport technologyPsychologydigital wellnessterveysfyysinen aktiivisuus


Life-long physical activity patterns are established during teenage years. Thus, promoting physical activity for teenagers is important. Sport and wellness technology shows promise for promoting physical activity. Yet, its research with teenage populations is sparse. This intervention study focused on whether using a sport and wellness technology application could affect the physical activity intention of teenagers, its antecedents, and the antecedents’ effects on intention by using the theory of planned behavior combined with the concept of self-efficacy as a theoretical framework. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the intervention and the control group in terms of the means and variances of the four constructs in our theoretical model. However, we found a statistically significant difference in the effect of self-efficacy on intention in the intervention group. The results show potential in using sport and wellness technology in physical activity interventions for teenagers. However, further research is needed. peerReviewed
