

The use of MAP for maintaining quality of ‘Bifara’ fig fruits

Giuseppe SortinoAlessio AllegraPaolo IngleseAlessandra GallottaVittorio Farina


Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeComputer sciencebreba fig nutraceutical compounds total carotenoidsmedia_common.quotation_subjectQuality (business)Agricultural engineeringHorticulturemedia_common


Bifara is an old cultivar of Sicilians breba fig (Ficus carica L.). Several studies on market trends and consumer preferences show that fresh fruit is required to have a good visual appearance and to be without defects on the skin in order to be considered fresh and healthy. Breba fig is a climacteric fruit that ripens very rapidly, and therefore, once harvested, it must be kept under low temperature. To reduce the respiration rate of this fruit and increase its postharvest life, effectiveness of low temperature storage was studied on ‘Bifara’ fig fruit, either placed in Modified Atmosphere Packaging MAP (20 kPa O2 and 15 kPa CO2) bags and stored for 3, 5, 7, and 10 days at 5°C and 90% RH. Respiration rate, weight loss and evaluation of visual appearance were measured at each sampling date. Fig fruits stored in MAP, showed an excellent quality performance until 5 days of storages, while the fruit held in passive modified atmosphere showed a substantial decay after 3 days of storage.
