

Income and Mental Well-Being : Personality Traits as Moderators

Susanne SyrenKatja KokkoLea PulkkinenJaakko Pehkonen


tulotmasennuspersoonallisuusteoriathyvinvointipersoonallisuuden piirteetemotional well-beinghyvinvointi (taloudellinen)stomatognathic diseaseshenkinen hyvinvointiBig Five personality traitsocial well-beingdepressionpsychological well-beingbig five -teoria


Using data from the participants of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS) at ages 42 and 50 (N = 326), this study provides empirical evidence of the relation between income and mental well-being and of the possible role of personality traits in modifying this relation. The relationships were analyzed using pooled ordinary least squares (OLS; bi- and multivariate settings) and fixed effects estimations (FE; multivariate settings). Positive bivariate associations were found between gross monthly income and the sum score of mental well-being and its separate dimensions (emotional, psychological, and social well-being and the absence of depression) as well as between experienced household finances and the sum score of mental well-being and its separate dimensions (except for social well-being). The multivariate OLS analyses detected positive relationships between gross monthly income and the absence of depression and between experienced household finances and mental well-being, along with one of its dimensions, i.e., emotional well-being. Further, the marginal utility of income appeared to depend on personality traits (FE): agreeableness and extraversion negatively moderated the gross monthly income–emotional well-being relationship, while openness positively moderated this relationship. In addition to emotional well-being, extraversion negatively moderated the relationship between gross monthly income and general mental well-being, and neuroticism negatively moderated the association between gross monthly income and social well-being. peerReviewed
