

Dark-side of Charisma: Elements of Irresponsible Management

Tuomo Takala




Elements and concepts, and relations between them, of “bad” charisma are rather ambiguous, deserving closer examination. The aim of this paper is to construct a conceptual framework for several empirical studies on charisma. The means for better leadership are searched. This paper draws upon earlier research by the author as well as upon published works of other researchers. The study can be classifi ed as qualitative conceptual study. The nature of the research is explorative. The base for empirical studies are built. The study offers new information about the relation between charisma, good leadership, commitment, and follower-behavior - especially from the perspective of darkside of charisma. This paper paves the way for better leadership in organizations. A set of advices are given in the end of the paper. peerReviewed
