

Integrazione fra pianificazione di spazi per giovani e trasporti: un'esemplificazione nell'area urbana di Palermo

Gustavo CecchiniBarbara Lo CastoSabrina VirrusoM Pagano


Settore ICAR/05 - TrasportiPianificazione urbanisticaTrasporti urbani Servizi Parco


FACILITIES FOR YOUNGER PEOPLE AND TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURES IN THE URBAN PLANNING PROCESS Public spaces planning for younger people and for "not young" is a main territorial asset and a major structural and strategic task in the whole planning process, both at regional and local level. To understand the relations that may exist between the "social" or "human" assets and the "economic" and "environmental" assets, a new methodology to define strategies and regional issues, is proposed in order to implement services for large areas with mobility in general and public transport and intermodality in particular. Spatial accessibility in " interchange modal nodes " designed as "places to use integrated services in urban parks” may be a possible scenario " built and established at provincial level, in the choice of suitable locations and allocations within the urban planning process. This methodology aim to bridge the gap between the post-urban spatial planning of public space and the planning process of accessible, functionally integrated and sustainable transport infrastructure networks, with the final intent to reduce land consumption and fragmentation.
