

Children Self-Concept and Family Image in the Protective Context

Anna Maria FerraroCristina ScimemiFrancesca Giannone


Settore M-PSI/08 - Psicologia ClinicaSettore M-PSI/07 - Psicologia DinamicaChildren’s self-concept family image protective context


Frequently the negligence or maltreatment experiences requires an estrangement of children by their family contexts (Giordano C., Giannone F., 2005, Bastianoni P., 2000, Emiliani F., Bastianoni P., 1993). This research examine if and which relational conditions consents to begin again a normal development and to form a new self-concept in another protective context. Particularly it evaluate the change of family and self image during the permanently time in this context. Sample is constituted by 38 children and adolescents guest in three “family house” of Palermo city. In order to collect data are used: DSSVF; TRI, TMA. The tests are analyzed through the use of specific landing procedure of analysis provided by the authors. Data analysis shows some interesting differences about family and self image links to age and stay time in this context.
