

Conflictividad social en torno a los azudes del Júcar a finales del siglo XVI. Un problema recurrente por la gestión del agua

Daniel Muñoz NavarroFrederic Aparisi Romero


SociedadPaisajePatrimonio hidráulicoLegal evidenceGeographyRegadíoFree flowLandscapeWater heritageSocietyLittle ice ageIrrigationHumanitiesCartographyTérritorio


[EN] The uses of water resources of the river Júcar have been a recurring element of conflict throughout the history that, at some times, deepened. This is what happened between the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth centuries, coinciding with climatic variations derived from the Little Ice Age. The building of dams, specks and other structures to slow the free flow of the river produced a clash of interests in different aspects such as economic, political or jurisdictional between the different towns of the area of the Ribera del Júcar (Carcaixent versus Alzira, Alzira versus Sueca…) channelled largely through the courts of the kingdom. This paper seeks to analyse these disputes using the legal evidence and the references about the building of dams and floods that happened in this period.
