Effects of density, species interactions, and environmental stochasticity on the dynamics of British bird communities
Lisa SandalVidar GrøtanBernt‐erik SætherRobert P. FreckletonDavid G. NobleOtso Ovaskainensubject
aikasarjatPopulation DynamicsNEST SITESBirdsCOEXISTENCEDEPENDENCEmulti-speciesINTERFERENCE COMPETITIONAnimalsEcosystemEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsPOPULATIONspatiotemporalstokastiset prosessitspecies interactionsCLIMATE-CHANGEtime-serieseliöyhteisötEXPLOITATION COMPETITIONEXTINCTION RISKpopulaatiodynamiikkajoint species distribution modelcommunity dynamicsdensity dependence1181 Ecology evolutionary biologylinnutkannanvaihtelutABUNDANCEenvironmental stochasticityympäristönmuutoksetdescription
Our knowledge of the factors affecting species abundances is mainly based on time-series analyses of a few well-studied species at single or few localities, but we know little about whether results from such analyses can be extrapolated to the community level. We apply a joint species distribution model to long-term time-series data on British bird communities to examine the relative contribution of intra- and interspecific density dependence at different spatial scales, as well as the influence of environmental stochasticity, to spatiotemporal interspecific variation in abundance. Intraspecific density dependence has the major structuring effect on these bird communities. In addition, environmental fluctuations affect spatiotemporal differences in abundance. In contrast, species interactions had a minor impact on variation in abundance. Thus, important drivers of single-species dynamics are also strongly affecting dynamics of communities in time and space. Peer reviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-06-19 |