

Ponte delle Teste sul fiume Oreto

Giovanni Fatta


Settore ICAR/10 - Architettura TecnicaPonte storia fiume Oreto Palermo


Abstract. The fortuitous discovery below the backfill, of an old still perfectly intact stone bridge, called us for a search on the age and construction techniques employed. Through the analysis of ancient sources, the historical current mapping, chronicles of the time, it has outlined the history of the river Oreto crossing system, the expansion of the city to the area of the bridge, finding those social practices that have made that peculiar name. The study also traced the building phases of the different structures that have taken place on the site, by the end of the sixteenth century, up to a few years ago. We have found new information and unpublished images, useful for interpreting the purely technical issues, along with those related to the viability and development of the city.
