

Evaluation of the effects of a program of "homework" for the maintenance of the outcomes achieved at three months after discharge from integrated home care | Analisi degli obiettivi raggiunti e mantenuti a tre mesi dalla dimissione dall'assistenza domiciliare integrata in pazienti con i "compiti a casa"

M. C. CataldoM. L. CalcaraF. MonterossoG. CaputoG. LimaS. PirrottaG. RizzoV. SalernoF. Dal MaschioC. FerraraF. FortunaA. RussoG. OddoCaterina Mammina


Personalized exerciseRehabilitationHomeworkSettore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E ApplicataHome care


When the rehabilitation treatment performed in the acute phase of illness is over, in our experience, the majority of patients do not continue the rehabilitation exercises thus risking a reduction in the ability retrieved and increasing disability. So despite the achievements with the rehabilitation treatment at home, discharge the patients could produce a worsening of their disability. In order to encourage patients to continue physical exercise after discharge from integrated home care, we proposed a personalized exercise program to be carried out at home. We evaluated after three months effectiveness in order to sustain the degree of self-sufficiency and the health reached at discharge
