

Self-efficacy and perceived control in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

Juan Carlos Marzo CamposAmparo Carpi BallesterRosario Zurriaga LlorensPilar González NavarroAbraham P. Buunk


Cardiovascular system--DiseasesControl (Psychology)PLANNED BEHAVIOREnfermedad cardiovascularPhysical activityEXERCISEDETERMINANTSPREDICTIVE-VALIDITYPerceived ControlControl (Psicologia)Cardiovascular DiseaseSistema cardiovascular--MalaltiesPercepción de controlPerceived controlOLDER-ADULTSGeneral PsychologyDescriptive Study Using SurveysCONDOM USEAdaptació (Psicologia)PreventionPerceived controlINTENTIONCardiovascular diseaseSOUTH-AFRICAAdjustment (Psychology)PHYSICAL-ACTIVITYPrevenciónEstudio descriptivo mediante encuestaDescriptive study using surveysSelf-EfficacyREASONED ACTIONSelf-efficacyPsychologyHumanities


Desde la Teoría de Acción Planeada (TAP), el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si la autoeficacia y la percepción de control presentan diferencias predictivas sobre la intención y las conductas preventivas de la enfermedad cardiovascular. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 359 sujetos. Los datos han sido analizados empleando el paquete estadístico EQS 6.1. Los resultados muestran que la autoeficacia influye positiva y significativamente sobre la intención y sobre la conducta, mientras que la percepción de control influye negativa y significativamente sobre la intención de conducta, pero no sobre la conducta preventiva. Este trabajo ha mostrado la conveniencia de distinguir entre autoeficacia y percepción de control en la TAP en la prevención de conductas de salud cardiovascular. From the Theory of Planed Behaviour (TPB), the aim of this study is to analyse the effect of self-efficacy and perceived control on intention and preventive behaviors of cardiovascular disease.To this end,359 participants were evaluated in an empirical study. Data were analysed using the statistical package EQS 6.1. The results indicate that self-efficacy has a positive and significant influence on behaviour intentions and on behaviour, while perception of control has a negative and significant influence on intention but not on behaviour. This work has shown the utility to distinguish between self-efficacy and perceived control in the TPB to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
