

Chlorinated and methylated dibenzothiophenes in sediment samples from a river contaminated by organochlorine wastes

Seija SinkkonenMirja LahtiperäJaakko Paasivirta


ChlorophenolPreservativeChemistryStratigraphyPulp (paper)Sedimentengineering.materialContaminationChlorinated Dibenzofuranschemistry.chemical_compoundEnvironmental chemistryengineeringOrganic chemistryPolychlorinated dibenzofuransEarth-Surface Processes


Eleven sediment samples from the lower Kymijoki River were analyzed for the occurrence of polychlorinated and polymethylated dibenzothiophenes (PCDT and PMeDTs). The area was heavily polluted by wastes from a pulp chlorobleachery and by leakage from a factory producing wood preservative chlorophenol formulation Ky-5. Levels in the sediments were from <5 to 400, 200 and 50 pg g-1 dw for tetra, penta and hexa-CDT, respectively. The concentrations of mono, di, tri and tetra-MeDTs were in the range of 1–5, 5–85, 5–500 and 15–2300 ng g-1 dw, respectively. PCDT contents in surface sediment (0–3 cm layers) decreased by distance downstream from the bleachery and Ky-5 factory similar to those of the bound polychloroguaiacols (PCG) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF). In contrast, PMeDT contents showed a steep increase by distance with a maximum at 32 km downstream.
