

Evidence Based Prevention: un nuovo modello in Sanità Pubblica

Francesco VitaleR CusimanoG BrunoAlberto FirenzeLoredana De CrescenzoNino Romano


Public HealthEBPevidence-based prevention


The concept of evidence-based prevention (EBP), was developed during the last decade as the counterpart, in Public Health, of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) in Clinical Medicine. The growing debate on EBP reflects the increasing recognition that successful evaluation of public health interventions will necessarily entail the use of research designs other than controlled trials as well as the use of various other types of evidence, often in combination. Evidence-based prevention, therefore, aims to implement those prevention strategies that have been found to be useful and effective through a formal evaluation based on scientific methodology. A the same it aims to progressively discard all preventive practices for which usefulness and effectiveness have not been proved.
