

Agricultural Engineering programmes meeting the FEANI and EurAgEng criteria in Italy

Antonio ComparettiPierluigi FeboSanto OrlandoScarascia Mugnozza G.



The only administrative change which took place in Italian institutions from the status described in the 1st Workshop, in the framework of Bologna process, is the updating of 3+2 years University study programmes. According to the ECTS credit system used in Italian institutions, the total student workload in one year is 60 CFU, which are considered equivalent to 60 ECTS; each CFU represents 25 hours of learning, both as aided learning and as individual studies. The 1st cycle degree study programme (“Laurea”) consists of 180 ECTS, while the 2nd cycle one (“Laurea Magistrale”) is constituted by 120 ECTS. No adjustment, alteration or difference concerning the quality assurance scheme used in Italy happened since the 5th USAEE Workshop. At present the Faculties of Agriculture of the Universities of Molise, Palermo, Sassari and Viterbo offer 1st cycle degree programmes of studies with titles related to Agricultural Engineering. Moreover, nowadays the Universities of Bari, Molise, Sassari and Viterbo offer 2nd cycle Agricultural Engineering degree study programmes. A proposal of virtual 1st and 2nd cycle study programmes, meeting the FEANI and EurAgEng criteria, the Italian cultural requirements and the criteria of the national University system, is shown in terms of course categories and ECTS credits.
