

Lærdom fra prosjekteringsledelse av et stort og komplekst byggeprosjekt

Anders RullestadAnne Skinnarland Thorud


IND590VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori: 240::Offentlig og privat administrasjon: 242


Masteroppgave industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse IND590 - Universitetet i Agder 2019 This master thesis studies one of Norway’s largest construction projects, the Campus ̊As pro-ject, which is a collocation and relocation of the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science andthe Norwegian Veterinary Institute to the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).The project comprises 63,000 m2spread between 10 buildings. The buildings have a veryhigh degree of complexity due to a large proportion of special areas, great ambitions regar-ding the environment and an extreme requirement for Infection Prevention and Control. Theproject is procured as a design-bid-build project divided into 40 different execution contracts.The project started in 2010 and is planned to be completed by 2020. For engineering alone,more than one million hours were spent with a value of more than NOK 1 billion.The purpose of this thesis is to study the methodology used for managing the detailed de-sign phase to reveal lessons learned. This is discussed in light of theories such as design asphenomenon, design management, management methodology, lean design management andlearning in organizations. The thesis is based on an abductive research design and is carriedout as a case study where both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. The thesisseeks to answer the following issue:•Which lessons learned can be identified from managing the detailed design phase seenin a lean construction perspective?Findings revealed a widespread volume of negative iterations and waste in the design process,although some measures are in line with lean thinking. Causes related to challenges includesthe use of traditional management methodology, a long user process and late client and userdecisions. Lessons learned from the case are summarized in six points: 1) Traditional ma-nagement methodology is not optimal for such a large and complex construction project. 2)Collocation was a major advantage for the implementation of the project. 3) Use standardiza-tion to a greater extent. 4) Spare time for reflections along the way in the design process. 5)Manage gradual maturation in a systematic manner. 6) Manage the user process with betterorganization and structuring.III
