

Dialogical patterns of interaction in pre-school classrooms

Marja-kristiina LerkkanenHelena Rasku-puttonenMartti SiekkinenPoikkeus Anna-maija


Dialogicmedia_common.quotation_subjecteducationDialogical selfProfessional developmentbehavioral disciplines and activitiesLiteracyEducationContent analysisPedagogyComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONta516Pre schoolScience studiesPsychologyCompetence (human resources)media_common


Abstract The present study set out to identify and examine dialogic educational interactions in Finnish pre-school classrooms. Video recordings of five observed pre-school classrooms that had shown a high or moderate quality of instructional support in literacy, maths and science studies were transcribed for micro-scale qualitative content analysis. Three patterns of teacher–child interaction emerged: first, a pattern characterised by the teacher making it possible for the children to demonstrate their knowledge and competence; second, a pattern characterised by the teacher supporting the children's participation and diverse contributions; and third, a pattern characterised by the teacher allowing dialogical space for a child-initiated sharing of ideas. The findings provide guidelines for professional development programmes seeking to increase teachers’ awareness of ways to support children's active participation.
