

‘I’m a foreign teacher’: legitimate positionings in the stories of a migrant teacher

Johanna Ennser-kananenMaria Ruohotie-lyhty


language teachervertaistukisiirtolaisetopettajuuslegitimacyopettajatmaahanmuuttajataustamaahanmuuttajatmigrant teacherammatti-identiteettiEducationulkomaalaisetkieltenopettajatnarratiivinen tutkimuspositioningmentorointiidentiteettilegitimiteettipeer mentoring


This qualitative study examines one migrant teacher’s identity positions in the context of a peer mentoring group setting in Finland. Combining theories of legitimacy and teacher narratives, this study asked which positions were available and legitimate for a migrant teacher. The analysis of three of the stories the teacher (‘Ji Yoo’) shared was inspired by Barkhuizen’s three-step framework for examining positioning in teacher narratives. Findings showed that Ji Yoo’s most legitimate positions were being ‘foreign’, novice teacher, cultural broker, and expert teacher, the latter two being the least frequent and least explicit ones. The authors suggest that migrant teachers’ struggles of having their expertise and experience recognised and shed their ‘foreign’ label persist even in contexts that are intended to support and empower practitioners. peerReviewed
