Empowered by stigma? Pioneer organic farmers' stigma management strategies
Merja LähdesmäkiSami KurkiPetteri PuskaMarjo SiltaojaHarri T. Luomalasubject
Sociology and Political ScienceAGRICULTUREInstitutionalisationKnowledge managementGeography Planning and Development0211 other engineering and technologies0507 social and economic geographyOpposition (politics)02 engineering and technologyDevelopmentStigmatizationammatti-identiteettiStigma management4111 AgronomyMOVEMENTQualitative analysisennakkoluulotFOODleimautuminen (sosiologia)SociologyIDENTITY WORKMarketingINSTITUTIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPluonnonmukainen viljelyStigma managementta512Finland2. Zero hungerInstitutional entrepreneurshipCONSTRUCTIONbusiness.industryIntensive farmingmaanviljelijät05 social sciencesSocial aspects021107 urban & regional planningRESILIENCEstigmatDIRTY WORKAgricultureOrganic farmerta5141Organic farmingvoimaantuminenbusiness050703 geographydescription
Abstract Pioneers of organic farming often faced social challenges as their innovative ideas on agriculture not only encountered opposition in the conventional farming community, but led to stigmatization of organic farmers as social deviants. In this study, we examine what kind of stigma management strategies pioneer organic farmers engage with in order to cultivate an alternative positive image of themselves. Our research is based on the interviews with 14 pioneer organic farmers. Based on a qualitative analysis of the interviews, we provide a model of those strategies that the creation from a stigmatized to valued identity requires. Our study increases the understanding of the institutionalization process of organic farming by demonstrating how pioneer organic farmers overcame the negative attributes associated with their farmer identities while actively building a new agricultural category which was different from that of conventional farming.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-01-01 |