

Fathers in focus: two discursive analyses on addressing men, work and care

Suvi HeikkinenMarjut JyrkinenEmilia Kangas


isätkotityöisyysfatherhooddiskurssianalyysitasa-arvo6160 Other humanitiessukupuoliroolittyössäkäynti5141 SociologyWork and familymiehetfamily relationshipswork and caretyöelämäperheet


We introduce in this chapter discourse analysis as a methodological tool for studying work-family issues, particularly those of men and fathers in work and care. Work and family involve complex processes and dynamics, where reconciling different interpretations of events are temporally and contextually changing. Current discourses on involved fatherhood raise many questions about men's work and family relationships and the role of care in their life. Here we present two empirical examples using discourse analysis to study work-family issues from a male gender perspective in the Finnish context. Finally, we discuss the (dis)advantages of using discursive analytical perspectives in work-family research. Peer reviewed
