

The effect of two physiotherapy approaches on physical and cognitive functions and independent coping at home in stroke rehabilitation. A preliminary follow-up study

Hannu NyrkköVirpi KasperUlla TalvitieTimo PohjolainenOuti PyöriäHannu Kautiainen


MaleCoping (psychology)medicine.medical_specialtymedicine.medical_treatmentNeuropsychological TestsDisability EvaluationCognitionPhysical medicine and rehabilitationResidence CharacteristicsAdaptation PsychologicalmedicineHumansFinlandPhysical Therapy ModalitiesAgedAged 80 and overRehabilitationRehabilitationStroke RehabilitationFollow up studiesNeuropsychologyCognitionRecovery of FunctionMiddle AgedFunctional recoveryStrokePhysical therapyFemalePsychologyCognitive loadIndependent livingFollow-Up Studies


Activating physiotherapy was used to support the principle of post stroke functional recovery as a learning process which requires both cognitive and physical actions. The purpose of the present preliminary study was to examine the influence of activating physiotherapy on stroke patients' cognitive and physical functions and independent living at home compared with traditional treatment over a 12-month follow-up.The 40 patients who received activating physiotherapy were compared with 40 patients receiving traditional therapy. Patients' physical functional capacity was measured one week and 12 months post stroke with the Barthel Index (BI), 10-m gait speed, the Postural Control and Balance for Stroke (PCBS) test, walking distances and patients' abilities to cope without outside help. Cognitive capacity was measured with specific neuropsychological tests: language, visuospatial functions, visual inattention and memory.Physical functional capacity improved significantly (p = 0.001) in both groups at the 12-month follow-up, but no significant differences were found between groups. However, the patients in the activating therapy group coped better without outside help (p = 0.042) and covered longer distances outdoors (p = 0.012). At follow-up all the measured cognitive functions had improved significantly in the activating therapy group and the change in memory in the same group differed significantly from that in the traditional therapy group (p0.001), where no significant improvement was observed.Activating therapy advanced stroke patients' cognitive and physical functional recovery and supported their return to independent life at home more than did traditional physiotherapy. In this respect activating therapy seems to have a beneficial influence on long-term stroke rehabilitation.
