

L’atteggiamento nei confronti della pubblicità comparativa: efficacia persuasiva dei messaggi bilaterali

Costanza Scaffidi AbbateStefano Ruggieri


pubblicità comparativa messaggi bilaterali comunicazione persuasiva


The effect of a comparative advertising on attitude toward the brand and on attitude toward the ad was studied. In the first experiment, a comparative and a not-comparative advertising of a fictitious brand of stroller for children has been presented to 160 subjects. Results demonstrate that subjects, when exposed to a comparative communication, are likely to scrutiny the persuasive message and the elaboration tend to be high. The analysis shows moreover that comparative advertising evokes a less favorable attitude toward the ad. In the second experiment, the persuasive effectiveness of a two-sided messages compared to one-sided message was verified. Finally, in the third experiment we hypothesize that a two-sided messages comparative advertising does not suffer the undesired effect found in the first study, that is the unfavorable attitude toward the ad. Like expected, results indicate that subjects exposed to a comparative communication with bilateral message have more favorable attitudes toward the brand and more favorable attitudes toward the ad than subjects exposed to not-comparative communication
