

Ética de las capacidades e interpretación de los principios de justicia

Francesco Biondo


Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoCiencias básicas y experimentalesUNESCO::FILOSOFÍA:FILOSOFÍA [UNESCO]Humanidadesetica delle capacità Sen Giustizia distributiva Pluralismo morale.Hª y Fª de la CienciaFilosofía. Etica


Capability approach can be considered a liberal and concrete outlook to questions of distributive justice. In this paper, I try to offer a short critical assessment of Sen's approach, starting with his criticisms against utilitarianism and Rawlsian justice as fairness. Sen succeeds in offering us a concrete outlook to discrimination; yet, he does not clarify how to spot adaptive preferences and how liberal governments should cope with cases of persistent inequalities. In this respect Sen's theory is still incomplete. This incompleteness proves that the content of a political doctrine depends on the interpretation of its principles of distributive justice when difficult cases come to the fore.
