Deviant Youth Groups in Italy and France: Prevalence and Characteristics
Catherine Blaya U. Gattisubject
DelinquencyDélinquanceYouthItalieItalyComparaison internationale[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationInternational Comparison[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFranceDevianceJeunessedescription
International audience; This paper sets out to compare the existence of Juvenile deviant groups in both France and Italy and their characteristics. The comparison between Italy (N=5,236) and France (N=3, 353) is based on the ISRD study of the year 2006 and shows that the term "gang" is commonly used to refer to a group of friends only. The strongest associated variables in both countries to illegal acts are the acceptance of doing illegal things, taking part in delinquent acts, considering the group as a gang as well as spending a lot of time in public places. Delinquent activity of Juvenile delinquent groups varies from one country to another and the French respondents show a greater participation in deviant youth groups than the Italians. Results show some differences in gender participation with a greater involvement of boys, although girls also take part in deviant or delinquent activities, both in Italy and France. At risk behaviour significantly characterises the young participants as well as victimisation. This last point highlights that although deviant or potentially dangerous, these young people are also more vulnerable and in need of protection.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2010-01-01 |