

Bandwidth allocation and pricing in multimode network

Ari ViinikainenJyrki JoutsensaloTimo HämäläinenM. Wikstrom


Bandwidth allocationIntelligent NetworkChannel allocation schemesComputer scienceQuality of serviceDistributed computingResource allocationTotal revenueRevenueResource managementShared resourceScheduling (computing)


This paper presents adaptive resource sharing model that uses a revenue criterion to allocate network resources in an optimal way. The model ensures QoS requirements of data flows and, at the same time, maximizes the total revenue by adjusting parameters of the underlying scheduler. Besides, the adaptive model eliminates the need to find the optimal static weight values because they are calculated dynamically. The simulation consists of several cases that analyse the model and the way it provides the required QoS guarantees. The simulation reveals that the installation of the adaptive model increases the total revenue and ensures the QoS requirements for all service classes.
