

Synthesis and Characterisation of Chiral Triazole-Based Halogen-Bond Donors: Halogen Bonds in the Solid State and in Solution

Riina AavIvar JärvingKadri KriisMikk KaasikKari RissanenSandra KaabelTõnis Kanger


TriazoleSolid-state010402 general chemistry01 natural scienceschemical bondsCatalysiskemialliset sidoksetchemistry.chemical_compoundNMR spectroscopyhalogensOrganic chemistryNMR-spektroskopiata116x-ray crystallographykemiallinen synteesiHalogen bondhalogeenit010405 organic chemistryOrganic ChemistryGeneral ChemistryCombinatorial chemistry0104 chemical scienceschemistryHalogenTitrationröntgenkristallografiachemical synthesis


A general platform for the synthesis of various chiral halogen-bond (XB) donors based on the triazole core and the characterisation of factors that influence the strength of the halogen bond in the solid state and in solution are reported. The characterisation of XB donors in the solid state by X-ray crystallography and in solution by 1H NMR titration can be used to aid the design of new XB donors. We describe the first example of a XB between iodotriazoles and thioureas in solution. In addition, the enantiodiscrimination of acceptors in solution through halogen-bond participation is described.
