

Rinascita di un paesaggio sul sedime di una linea ferrata.

Valeria Scavone


Settore ICAR/21 - Urbanisticalinea ferrata abbandonata spopolamento paesaggio


Energy, economic and environmental reasons lead to a review of the role of railway lines in the general awareness of the need for a paradigm change regarding mobility and transport, as desired by the European Union. In particular, this is important in marginal and distressed contexts. The paper focuses on the African front of Sicily which is in conditions of economic and social marginality. And this is different from what happens in the remaining coastal areas where the metropolitan cities are. The narrow gauge railway line from Porto Empedocle to Castlvetrano, born at the service of the inland mines, it is strategic because the absence of high-speed roads has led to the safeguarding of the coastal territory that crosses. Reactivate this railway line can also contribute to the local development of small municipalities characterized by depopulation.
