

The relationship between organizational dissent and workplace freedom of speech: A cross-cultural analysis in Singapore

Xuejun CuiDiyako RahmaniCheng ZengStephen Croucher


Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Managementworkplace freedom of speechmedia_common.quotation_subjectCross-cultural communicationorganizational dissent050801 communication & media studieskulttuurienvälinen viestintäsananvapaus0508 media and communicationscross-cultural communicationPerception0502 economics and businessCross-culturalta518Business and International Managementta512media_commonSingaporebusiness.industry05 social sciencesvastustusPublic relationsTest (assessment)organisaatiokulttuuriorganisaatiokäyttäytyminenOrganizational dissentQuantitative analysis (finance)Organizational behaviorDissentPsychologybusinessSocial psychology050203 business & management


AbstractThis study is a test of the relationship between organizational dissent and the perception of workplace freedom of speech in Singapore. Through a quantitative analysis of 384 individuals in Singapore, the following was found: articulated dissent and latent dissent are positively correlated with workplace freedom of speech. In addition, multiple analysis of covariance analyses revealed nation of birth exerted considerable influence on articulated dissent, and latent dissent, but not on workplace freedom of speech. The results provide evidence of how nation of birth is related to an individual’s willingness to express dissent. Theoretical and practical implications for research into organizational behavior are discussed.
