Stereotypes in Persuasive Communication: Influence Exerted by a Disapproved Source
Costanza Scaffidi AbbatePiero BocchiaroStefano Bocasubject
INVOLVEMENTPersuasive communicationSocial PsychologySELF-ESTEEMTHREATPERFORMANCEACTIVATIONPREJUDICEMODERATING ROLECOGNITIONATTITUDESPsychologySettore M-PSI/05 - Psicologia SocialeSocial psychologydescription
The present paper examines how someone's use of stereotypes can exert influence over others’ judgments. In the 2 studies reported here, participants were presented with messages containing information provided by a source. In Study 1, the source was an in-group member. The messages were manipulated in a between-subjects design so that participants were either given stereotypical or counterstereotypical information. After being given a hint regarding the source's estimate, participants were asked to provide their own estimates about a number of points displayed on a computer screen. Results indicate that participants tended to use as an anchor the estimate provided by the source that made use of stereotypes. In Study 2, an out-group member provided participants with information that was either stereotypical or neutral. Again, results indicate that participants were influenced by the source making use of stereotypes.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2004-06-01 | Journal of Applied Social Psychology |