

Toisen ja vieraan kielen oppijat yleisissä kielitutkinnoissa

Mirja TarnanenKatja Mäntylä


toinen kielisuomen kielikielikokeetkielitaitokielen oppiminenarviointienglannin kielivieraat kielet


This article concerns learner profiles of test takers of English (foreign lg) and Finnish (second lg) language test. All learners were adults who took part in the National Language Certificate (NC) test that consists of nine different languages on three different examination levels. People taking the English test are Finnish or Swedish speaking citizens, and participants in the Finnish test are immigrants with varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds. We look at learner profiles (N=600) from three different aspects: 1) background knowledge, 2) skill profiles and 3) learners’ experiences on the test. The profiles are examined in the light of differences and similarities between foreign and second language learners and their needs and purposes for taking the test. Further, the results are discussed within the wider scope of language testing with social and educational consequences. peerReviewed
