

Evolutionary algorithm for fiber laser in ultrashort pulse regime

Ugo Andral


OptimizationSoliton dissipatif[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]Stratégie d’évolutionAlgorithme d’évolutionFiber laser cavityOptique non-linéaireDissipative solitonEvolutionary algorithmEvolution strategyCavité laser à fibre optiqueOptimisationMulti-pulses dynamicNon linear opticsDynamique multi-impulsionnelleRotation non-linéaire de la polarisationNon linear evolution of polarization


This thesis deals with the generation of ultrashort pulses within a fiber laser cavity through the automatic optimization of its parameters by an evolutionary algorithm. The interest of this subject comes from the difficulty to systematically explore dynamics in a large domain of experimental parameters. We have shown that it is possible to implement an evolutionary algorithm on fiber laser cavity with appropriate precautions. We have experimentally demonstrated for the first time the mode locking of a laser cavity only using the optimization of polarization controllers through an automatic and self-learning procedure. We also have demonstrated that selecting the mode locking from it radio-frequency spectrum allow to select the pulses repetition rate within the cavity. These preliminary results show the promising aspect of our method used in situations of non linear ultrafast dynamics with high complexity which are particularly sensitive to parameters.
