Measurement of Z Boson Production in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Atlas CollaborationSusana Cabrera UrbánMaría Victoria Castillo GiménezMaría José Costa MezquitaFarida FassiAntonio Ferrer SoriaLuca FioriniJuan A. Fuster VerdúCarmen García GarcíaJosé Enrique García NavarroSantiago González De La HozYesenia Hernández JiménezEmilio Higón RodríguezAdrián Irles QuilesMohammed KaciCarlos Lacasta LlácerVicente Lacuesta MiquelLuis March RuizSalvador Martí GarcíaMercedes Miñano MoyaVasiliki MitsouRegina Moles VallsMaría Moreno LlácerElena Oliver GarcíaSebastián Pedraza LópezMaría Teresa Pérez García-estañE. Romero AdamEduardo Ros MartínezJosé Salt CairolsVictoria Sánchez MartínezCarlos Antonio Solans SánchezU. SoldevilaJavier Sánchez MartínezEmma Torró PastorAlberto Valero BiotE. Valladolid GallegoJuan Antonio Valls FerrerMiguel Villaplana PérezMarcel Vossubject
High Energy Physics::PhenomenologyFísica nuclearNuclear Experimentdescription
The ATLAS experiment has observed 1995 Z boson candidates in data corresponding to 0.15 inverse nb of integrated luminosity obtained in the 2011 LHC Pb+Pb run at sqrt(s_NN)=2.76 TeV. The Z bosons are reconstructed via di-electron and di-muon decay channels, with a background contamination of less than 3%. Results from the two channels are consistent and are combined. Within the statistical and systematic uncertainties, the per-event Z boson yield is proportional to the number of binary collisions estimated by the Glauber model. The elliptic anisotropy of the azimuthal distribution of the Z boson with respect to the event plane is found to be consistent with zero.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2013-01-01 |