

Long-term leisure-time physical activity and other health habits as predictors of objectively monitored late-life physical activity – A 40-year twin study

Paula Iso-markkuJuha O. RinneHenri Vähä-ypyäKauko HeikkiläNoora LindgrenUrho M. KujalaHarri SievänenPekka HautasaariKatja WallerTimo TörmäkangasJaakko Kaprio


MaleMultivariate statisticsFITNESSMonozygotic twinphysical activitylcsh:MedicineDETERMINANTS030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyOverweightCohort StudiesCorrelationHabits0302 clinical medicineEpidemiologyMedicineProspective Studies030212 general & internal medicinelcsh:Sciencetwin stydy2. Zero hungerMultidisciplinarySEDENTARY BEHAVIORRegression analysisMiddle Agedleisure-time3142 Public health care science environmental and occupational healthFemalemedicine.symptomHealth habitsvapaa-aikafyysinen aktiivisuusCohort studymedicine.medical_specialtyPhysical activityArticleSTYLE03 medical and health sciencesLeisure ActivitiesHumansOLDER-ADULTSExerciseSocioeconomic statusAgedMonitoring Physiologickaksostutkimusbusiness.industryDISABILITYMORTALITYlcsh:Rhealth habits030229 sport sciencesTwin studykaksosetpredictorsMOBILITYterveyskäyttäytyminenMultivariate AnalysisRISK-FACTORSlcsh:QFOLLOW-UPbusinessBody mass indexIndependent livingDemography


AbstractIMPORTANCEModerate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in old age is an important indicator of good health and functional capacity enabling independent living.OBJECTIVETo investigate whether physical activity and other health habits at ages 31-48 years predict objectively measured MVPA decades later.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTSThis prospective twin cohort study in Finland comprised 616 individuals (197 complete twin pairs, including 91 monozygotic pairs, born 1940-1944), who responded to baseline questionnaires in 1975, 1981, and 1990, and participated in accelerometer monitoring at follow-up (mean age, 73 years).EXPOSURESPrimary exposure was long-term leisure-time physical activity, 1975-1990 (LT-mMET index). Covariates were body mass index (BMI), work-related physical activity, smoking, heavy alcohol use and health status in 1990, and socioeconomic status.MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURESPhysical activity was measured with a waist-worn triaxial accelerometer (at least 10 hours per day for at least 4 days) to obtain daily mean MVPA values.RESULTSHigh baseline LT-mMET index predicted higher amounts of MVPA (increase in R2 of 6.9% after age and sex adjustment, P<.001) at follow-up. After addition of BMI to the regression model, the R2 value of the whole multivariate model was 17.2%, and with further addition of baseline smoking, socioeconomic status, and health status, the R2 increased to 20.3%. In pairwise analyses, differences in MVPA amount were seen only among twin pairs who were discordant at baseline for smoking (n=40 pairs, median follow-up MVPA 25 vs. 35 min, P=.037) or for health status (n=69 pairs, 30 vs. 44 min, P=.014). For smoking, the difference in MVPA also was seen for monozygotic pairs, but for health status, it was seen only for dizygotic pairs. Mediation analysis showed that shared genetic factors explained 82% of the correlation between LT-mMET and MVPA.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCELow leisure-time physical activity at younger age, overweight, smoking, low socioeconomic status, and health problems predicted low MVPA in old age in individual-based analyses. However, based on the pairwise analyses and quantitative trait modeling, genetic factors and smoking seem to be important determinants of later-life MVPA.
