

Représentations professionnelles des filles et des garçons au collège : les effets d'une pièce de théâtre interactive

Christine Guégnard


FilleCareer representationsSocial PsychologyReprésentation professionnelle[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationMale jobs050108 psychoanalysisEducationCollégienDevelopmental and Educational Psychology0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesSociologyGarçonorientation au fémininOrientation professionnelleMétierVocational guidance4. Education05 social sciencesmétiers féminins050301 educationGendermétiers masculins[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationfemale jobsCareer representationcareers guidance and gendermale jobsReprésentations professionnellesFemale jobs0503 educationHumanities


Programmes were launched in the French region of Burgundy in order to increase the understanding of the social and cultural obstacles for women in terms of occupational fields, considered a priori as male dominated. As part of this programme, the Compagnie du Sablier performed an interactive theatre play called "Lucie, the technician" ; it was aimed at an audience of lower secondary school pupils. It tells the story of a young girl determined to choose a male dominated occupation, and challenges young people to consider their career choice. The purpose of this study is to analyse the vocational representations of girls and boys, and to look at the pupils' visions of the world of work, in order to assess the probable impact of the show. The pupil spectators appear to be different from the other adolescents ; they are against the idea that jobs are reserved for men, they contest job stereotypes, and they feel to a higher degree that there are labour market difficulties for women.
