

Nonlinear System Response for Impulsive Parametric Input

M. Di PaolaS. Caddemi


Dynamical systems theoryFinite impulse responseMechanical EngineeringFinite differenceDirac delta functionImpulse (physics)Condensed Matter Physicssymbols.namesakeMechanics of MaterialsControl theorysymbolsApplied mathematicsInfinite impulse responseImpulse responseMathematicsParametric statistics


In engineering applications when the intensity of external forces depends on the response of the system, the input is called parametric. In this paper dynamical systems subjected to a parametric deterministic impulse are dealt with. Particular attention has been devoted to the evaluation of the discontinuity of the response when the parametric impulse occurs. The usual forward difference and trapezoidal integration schemes have been shown to provide only approximated solutions of the jump of the response; hence, the exact solution has been pursued and presented under the form of a numerical series. The impulse is represented throughout the paper by means of a classical Dirac’s delta function; however, a new model of Dirac’s delta is presented and adopted in order to validate the results provided by the numerical series.
