

Minorities' communication apprehension and conflict : an investigation of Kurds in Iran and Malays in Singapore

Diyako Rahmani


KurdistanSingaporekurditminority groupsvähemmistöthuolestuneisuuskonfliktitepävarmuusviestintätaidotristiriidatsosioekonominen asemaintergroup conflictilmaisucommunication apprehensionryhmätmalaijitviestintä


This research project investigates the relationship between communication apprehension and conflict in the intergroup context of minority and majority relationships. Previous studies of communication apprehension have extensively examined its characteristics in the intercultural context of mostly the USA and Eastern Asians cultures. However, the minority-majority intergroup relationship represents distinctive yet understudied characteristics related to socioeconomic status of the groups, which potentially influence their intergroup conflicts. Furthermore, previous communication research called for more in- depth investigation of the various regions. In the light of such considerations, the present project examines the characteristics of minority groups’ communication apprehension and the relationship between minority communication apprehension and intergroup conflict. The empirical papers of this project investigate communication apprehension of minority groups of Kurds in Iran and the Malays in Singapore. Both groups have recorded lower socioeconomic profiles compared to their respective majority groups of Persians and Chinese. The findings showed Kurds registered a relatively lower communication apprehension, but Singaporean Malays are more apprehensive compared to Singaporean Chinese. Two theoretical papers of the study examine the nature of apprehension and anxiety in intergroup communication, and they seek theoretical explanations for intergroup anxiety, especially in minority- majority relationships, and the role of anxiety in intergroup conflicts. This research project emphasizes the role of culture in formation of communication dispositions and offers insight into promoting intergroup communication and resolving intergroup conflict.
