

La qualità della vita in soggetti in età evolutiva affetti da patologie renali croniche

Michele RoccellaLidia LeggioLucia ParisiGaspare TurdoDavide Testa


Quality of life Chronic renal diseases ChildSettore MED/39 - Neuropsichiatria Infantile


Atra. Renai pathologies bave an hard impact on ili children's life style, psychic and physical development. Inthelastyears, evenif medicai cures allowed these children to live longer and to bave a better quality of life, today both their families and themselves bave to face a lot of difficulties due to thè kind of pathology. These cbildren show behaviour troubles, bad sociability, aggressiveness, poorschool performance, anxiety and depression, and then thè subjects with chronic renai failure show a retard in neurological and cognitive development In this study we evatuated thè impact that thè chronic renai illness has on children and adolescente' quality life. Methods. Por this study, we bave used thè Impact of Childhood Illness Scale. It includes 30 questions that value 4 aspects of thè child and family's life style: illness and ite treatment, impact on die child, impact on parente and impact on thè family. For every question, it considera thè frequency of thè problem and thè degree of thè worry that it causes. We gave thè questionnaire to 47 couples of parents' children who are suffering from chronic renai diseases (19 subjects with nephrotic syndrome, 7 with chronic glomerulenephritis, 10 with chronic renai failure, 5 diab/sed, 6 with kidney transplant). AH parents compiled thè questìonnaire. Resulls. The obtained resuite showed that developing age subjects, who are affected by chronic renai diseases, can nave emotìonal and behavioural difficulties that bave an effect on subject and on bis family. Their parents live in a continuous stress state because chronic pain and anxiety cause depression, a sense of inadequacy and frustration. Conclusion. As in every chronic physical illness, thè sick child and bis family are obliged to face a series of physical, behavioural and emotional changes. Besides, they are faced by possible collateral effects of thè illness and of ite treatments on development.
